1. $50 for a solicitor's permit, an individual storage permit, a nonresident winery permit, or a commercial nonbeverage permit;With the introduction of Governor O'Malley (aka Martin the Teflon Leprechaun), it seems Maryland residents have had a new tax to pay every week.
2. $75 for a public storage permit, a public transportation permit, or an import and export permit;
3. $100 for a public storage and transportation permit, a nonresident dealer permit, or a bulk transfer permit;
4. $400 for a family beer and wine facility permit;
5. $10 for a direct wine seller?s permit; AND
Want to let 'em know your opinion? Email the sponsors:
TODD L. SCHULER, Democrat, District 8, Baltimore County
JOSEPH C. BOTELER III, Republican, District 8, Baltimore County
ERIC M. BROMWELL, Democrat, District 8, Baltimore County
I may not be a Maryland resident anymore, but my family, friends, and homebrewing brethren are. Enough is enough!
Its this type of attitude the Maryland Law Makers have that makes me glad I left that communist state and moved to West Virginia. Remember the Maryland Creed : If you can think it , We can tax it!
Maryland Law Makers are just making themselves look bad across the country by doing this to their citizens and to those voters who are good enough to put them in office.
If this bill passes, will Maryland homebrewers have to show a permit to purchase supplies?
Not sure yet. Gary Glass of the AHA has been in contact with one of the Representatives. Apparently there's a disconnect between the intent and the wording.
More to come...
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